About Us

Minnesota Clocks & Watches

This site is operated by TJ Cornish, a clock and watch enthusiast based in St. Paul, MN. I have loved antique clocks and watches nearly all my life. Mechanical clocks and watches seem to be an anachronism in the internet age, but more than ever before, information can be shared to foster knowledge and find resources to keep them operating.

I hope this site is of value to people generally, but my main goal is to help connect clock and watch lovers in the greater Twin Cities area to the significant resources we enjoy nearby.

I also hope this site encourages people to try things! I am a self-taught clock repairer. I have discovered that the learning curve isn’t too steep, and each successful repair builds confidence for the next challenge. Learning how to clean and do basic to intermediate level repair work is very rewarding and significantly lowers the cost of the antique clock or watch hobby.